A couple of days ago, I talked about the limited options of SSO on the Ruby side of things. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake. In fact, the two viable SSO solutions are viable, and feature rich, providing what you need on the authentication server's side, as well as the client's side.
The issue was more that there are only these two options in the first place.
However, I'm going to take a deeper look at these two options. I'll do this in three articles, focusing on RubyCAS client and server first, OpenID client and server second, and comparing these against each other in the last episode.
Now, without further ado, a look into CAS.
CAS is Yale's solution to the SSO problem. It provides a client/server architecture, allowing each application to authenticate users against a single server.
Matt Zukowski (his RubyForge profile) implemented the Ruby variants of the Central Authentication Service Protocol (short CAS), both on the server side (RubyCAS server), and the client side (RubyCAS client).
Clientèle dealings
The client simply enables to authenticate against a server implementing the CAS protocol. That's it. Well, not quite.
Actually, a CAS enabled website hands authentication off to the CAS server login page, which checks the user's credentials, and redirects back to the requested webpage on successful authentication. The web application verifies that the user has, indeed, logged in, and works as expected.
The benefit of CAS for web-based SSO is, that any CAS-enabled application can use the ticket issued by the CAS server for authentication, as long as the server can read the cookie placed (so, it has to be the same URI that reads the cookie, not necessarily the same server).
Serving the greater good
The server works a bit different, and necessarily so. It takes the user's credentials, authenticates the user against the configured form of storage, and redirects back to the application requesting the authentication of the user.
For authentication, RubyCAS server brings three pre-configured Authenticators:
- CASServer::Authenticators::LDAP to authenticate against an LDAP directory service, and LDAP's cousin Active Directory gets its own Authenticator, called.
- Additionally, there is an SQL authenticator CASServer::Authenticators::SQL, which can use any SQL database that ActiveRecord can talk to.
- If none of these fit the bill, you can apparently use CASServer::Authenticators::Base to roll your own authenticator (the RDoc documentation is rather silent on the issue, and I haven't dug into the source code yet).
Concluding the obvious
As long as you use Ruby, you should be able to use RubyCAS client (you'll probably have to do some source code hacking if you don't use ActiveRecord for the RubyCAS server, though).
This should be of a great boon in any organization using the CAS system already. And the wealth of client options provided by the CAS ecosystem should make CAS an easy sell if you are looking for an SSO solution.
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